July 23, 2018 – Douglasville, GA

As part of the ongoing upgrade and renovation effort at Cinetcomm’s Atlanta International Teleport in Douglasville, Georgia, Cinetcomm has purchased UHP Networks hub and network management architecture as the next generation VSAT system backbone.   The UHP equipment and management suite is a versatile hub that accommodates many operating modes ranging from SCPC dedicated bandwidth links to 5G wireless backhaul.  Cinetcomm will switch it’s critical infrastructure customers to this new network to provide more advanced services and better utilize satellite resources.

“This acquisition will provide a more advanced way to serve clients on Cinetcomm’s Public Safety and Enterprise satellite networks operating across the Americas.” stated Tom Soumas, Cinetcomm’s President & CEO.

The new UHP hub architecture joins a growing list of ongoing upgrades to Cinetcomm’s historic Atlanta International Teleport.  It will be paired with Cinetcomm’s T-14R Satellite bandwidth to round out a service offering for Agency and Enterprise Customers.

Source – Cinetcomm – Contact Tom Soumas (702) 844-2410